
Kris und Q make up Edit_H, a band whose origins date back to the early nineties. The two met at a concert in Germany’s Black Forest, quickly discovering their shared passion for music.

Together, they decided to go to Berlin, creating their first songs on the road.  Once in Berlin, Q quickly set up a temporary studio, where the duo recordered their first single.

Performances at various clubs followed. Online music vendors also took note of the start-up band; — a huge success, even though the internet was still in its infancy and didn’t have nearly the importance it has for the music industry of today. Edith_H wound up providing the ‘song of the day’ for mp3.de on multiple occasions. Mainstream radio stations such as Radio Engery also began featuring the band. Around that time, Edit_H shot their first music video on Ibizia and released their new song Naomi through the now-defunct online label CB4records. The title garnered more than 25,000 downloads in less than two weeks.

Kris and Q continued to produce new songs in Berlin, but also took the time to participate in other musical endeavors. The new album “Still” marks their return to full-time collaboration.